How to download a Support Information Package (SIP)? February 06, 2025 15:14 Updated What is a Support Information Package (SIP)? A Support Information Package (SIP) is a collection of log files of a BOC Management Office product. Providing a SIP to the BOC hotline typically speeds up the resolution finding process for a support request. All products of the BOC Management Office (ADONIS, ADOIT, ADOGRC) allow the encrypted download of a SIP via a web browser. How can I create or download a SIP? Info: You can only obtain a SIP yourself, if you operate your BOC Management Office product in your own infrastructure (on premise). If you use our hosting solution, the package can only be generated by BOC's technical support. There are two ways to download an encrypted SIP from a BOC product. Both methods require that you can access your BOC product's web client. Download from the web client admin page (ADONIS 16/ADOIT 17/ADOGRC 13) Go to Home -> More options (1) -> Information (2) Choose a size based on your needs, or those of BOC technical support: Last 24 hours (S), Last 7 days (M), or all logs (L) Download from the web client admin page (before ADONIS 16/ADOIT 17/ADOGRC 13) Go to Home > "..." (1) > Support > Information (2) Choose a size based on your needs, or those of BOC technical support: Last 24 hours (S), Last 7 days (M), or all logs (L) Download via a direct download URL Add "/supportinformation" at the end of your URL. Example: "http://localhost:8000/ADONIS16_0/supportinformation" Both methods are also demonstrated in the following Video. How can I assemble a SIP manually, if I do not have access to the web client? If it is not possible to generate a SIP via web client, please save the following files in a newly created folder "Offline Log Files". You can then zip it and send it to BOC for analysis: Source Target Description [BOC Product] /logs Offline Log Files/Application Server Logs & Conf [BOC Product] /conf Offline Log Files/Application Server Logs & Conf %TEMP% Offline Log Files / User temp logs Files with "adoxx" or "aserver" in their name [Tomcat Installation] /logs Offline Log Files/Web Server Logs & Conf Offline Log Files/Web Server Logs & Conf Offline Log Files / Windows temp logs Optional if available Note: Depending on the problem at hand, BOC technical customer support may ask for additional log files. What data is contained in a SIP? You can find information about the content of a SIP under this link. Related articles BOC Product Installation & Update Process (on premise) How do I export a migration package? How do I set up my MS Entra ID (Azure) for a BOC product? How do I use the file sharing platform "aFFE"? Environment Restart Initiators