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BOC Group Support
Product Support
How do I place a support request?
How to download a Support Information Package (SIP)?
How do I find out the version of my product?
How do I create a password-protected ZIP file?
How to generate a HAR file?
What data is contained in a SIP?
See all 13 articles
Login Problems
Maximum number of users reached
How do I get my initial password?
BOC product fails post TLS adjustments
Error message "Remote resource cannot be reached" (RDP)
What can I do if login to the Administration Toolkit fails?
What can I do if login to the web client fails?
See all 7 articles
How do I transfer files between BOC Cloud (SaaS) and local environment?
Error "usr-80": Why can a user not be deleted?
How do I delete a user?
How can I import a license?
How can I find the last login date of a user?
How do I export a migration package?
See all 9 articles
How can I reset my password?
Why are emails not delivered during the Release Workflow?
How can I remove unwanted attributes from reports?
Why is only the major version number of a model raised?
What can I do, if a Release Workflow (RWF) step is missing?
Why is an object or process locked for me?
See all 8 articles
How do I bulk change attributes in objects?
How do I move models and objects between repositories?
How do I edit the visibility of saved searches?
How do I find the ID of an object, model, user or search?
Community Edition: How do I import an AXR file?
How do I create a custom Excel Import template?
Deprecation of Import System Users Functionality
How do I set up my MS Entra ID (Azure) for a BOC product?
Common Azure AD Errors
Local Users in a SSO Scenario
What is LDAP Mapping?
REST-API Token based authentication
Enabling REST when using SSO with IDM
How to fix REST status codes 401 and 500?
Setup & Installation
BOC Product Installation & Update Process (on premise)
How can I read the log files of my BOC Management Office product?
My certificate expired. What can I do?
How to create an ODBC connection?
How to install the Administration Toolkit?
How do I migrate the Tomcat-side configuration of a BOC product?
See all 7 articles
General Questions
Differences between Community, Starter and Enterprise Edition
How can I setup health monitoring for my BOC product?
Environment Restart Initiators
How can I change the font?
How do I change the languages in my BOC product?
<% categories.forEach(function(category, index) { %>
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<%= %>
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<%= article.title %>
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