What data is contained in a SIP? July 29, 2024 15:39 Updated What is a Support Information Package (SIP)? A Support Information Package (SIP) is a collection of log files of a BOC Management Office product. Providing a SIP to the BOC hotline typically speeds up the resolution finding process for a support request. All products of the BOC Management Office (ADONIS, ADOIT, ADOGRC) allow the encrypted download of a SIP via a web browser. What data is contained in a SIP? After decryption by BOC, log files are available, which may contain the following data: Log entries with timestamps for important events in the BOC product, e.g. for user and system actions. E-mail addresses in case of release workflow e-mail actions Error messages of the type INFO, WARNING, ERROR, DEBUG - depending on the configured log level Hardware environment parameters (available memory, CPU load) Object and model names, as well as their IDs Repository names and their IDs Request IDs Session IDs User names Number of models and objects in the repositories Other analysis data, depending on product version, any customizing and other circumstances. What data is NOT included in a SIP? Complete models and objects are never included in a SIP. User passwords are never contained in a SIP. How can I review the content of a SIP? If you want to view the content of a SIP in detail, we recommend manually compiling the corresponding log files, reviewing them and sending this collection (which corresponds to a SIP) to BOC. Related articles How to download a Support Information Package (SIP)? REST-API Token based authentication Local Users in a SSO Scenario How can I configure the session timeout? How do I use the file sharing platform "aFFE"?