What is a Support Information Package (SIP)?
A Support Information Package (SIP) is a collection of log files of a BOC Management Office product. Providing a SIP to the BOC hotline typically speeds up the resolution finding process for a support request.
All products of the BOC Management Office (ADONIS, ADOIT, ADOGRC) allow the encrypted download of a SIP via a web browser.
What data is contained in a SIP?
After decryption by BOC, log files are available, which may contain the following data:
- Log entries with timestamps for important events in the BOC product, e.g. for user and system actions.
- E-mail addresses in case of release workflow e-mail actions
- Error messages of the type INFO, WARNING, ERROR, DEBUG - depending on the configured log level
- Hardware environment parameters (available memory, CPU load)
- Object and model names, as well as their IDs
- Repository names and their IDs
- Request IDs
- Session IDs
- User names
- Number of models and objects in the repositories
- Other analysis data, depending on product version, any customizing and other circumstances.
What data is NOT included in a SIP?
- Complete models and objects are never included in a SIP.
- User passwords are never contained in a SIP.
How can I review the content of a SIP?
If you want to view the content of a SIP in detail, we recommend manually compiling the corresponding log files, reviewing them and sending this collection (which corresponds to a SIP) to BOC.